
Conceptual. Energetic. Engaging.

Direction, design & illustration for brands and people.


Caity McGuire

I started my career in on apparel graphics, first interning then full-time with Abercrombie & Fitch, where I designed for their Gilly Hicks and Hollister brands. After 5 years with A&F I relocated to San Francisco to work for GAP on the Old Navy brand. While at Old Navy I was able to branch out to accessories and greeting cards with most of my work focused around illustration. After 3 years at Old Navy, I made the jump into Brand Design for QUAY - a fast-growing, high-energy eyewear brand. During my time at QUAY, I worked on everything from store design to visual merchandising, web design to social media campaigns, brand design to event design, and everything in between. My primary role was as Art Director focusing on everything from the initial campaign concept through the final design for seasonal campaigns to major celebrity campaigns including Jennifer Lopez, Chrissy Teigen, and Lizzo.

When Covid-19 hit I went fully freelance but maintained my role as Brand Designer for QUAY. I used my newfound freedom to focus on another passion of mine and moved to London to complete a Master’s degree in Psychology. After completing my degree I ramped up my freelance efforts working with clients including QUAY, Helly Henson, Vodafone, Sideways 6, Hello Fresh, Insignia, ChildresnSalon and many more. I now have a thriving freelance design business which has allowed me to work on other cool projects, from emerging brands to current events.

I balanced my freelance work with personal creative work based mainly in ink painting and watercolour illustration.





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